Campervan Bed Direction: Which Way Is Right For You?
Everyday I talk to someone who is trying to figure out the best layout for their van. The first thing I tell them to do is not listen to what everyone is saying the internet and social media. Your van is different, and your van goals are different. People love to tell others what "they need" with no understanding on who they are even talking to. For example, someone might tell you to build a small bed across the well wells at 45 inches off the floor because that works for them and their mountain bike. Little do they know that you have 4 people trying to camp in a short wheel base van because that is the only size of van you can park at your apartment. You need to decide for yourself how what works for you, and take into consideration your deal breakers.

What is your ideal Campervan workflow?
Things to consider:
- How many people will be sleeping? How tall are they?
- Is this a weekend van for long term?
- What type of electrical support do you need? What is it you need to power?
- Toilet? Will there be access to toilets where you go?
- Shower? Do you really need to build a shower inside your van?
- Stove? Do you want to cook inside your van?
- What type of weather? Are you a fair weather camper or maybe you are a business person who might camp in 100 degree heat.
I advise friends to use the 80% rule. Build your van to do what you are going to do with it, 80% of the time.
I see most camper vans have the cargo area completely blocked off in the back of the van by a bed platform. This works for some people. Some people prefer it.
Single Bed & Bench Campervan DIY Kit:

However, there are many people who do not prefer it. They want an aisle down the center. They want to open the back doors and walk to the front and back. They want to put items like, motorcycles and surfboards right down the center of the van and the last thing they want is a bed dissecting their vertical open space which is the whole reason they bought the van in the first place.

I personally have built campervans both ways. They both have their merits and for different reasons. If I was camping by myself or just two people, I would consider building my bed long ways in the van and only on one side. I love having an aisle down the center of the van. The van feels so much bigger this way. However, when I have an entire family in my van trying to get some sleep, then it is efficient to use the middle of the van as a bed.

Don't be scared to build it the way you want and use it for a year. Next year, change it up and try something else. It helps if you build your van without glue or excessive screws so that way your not making any permanent modifications that cannot be undone at a later time.

Keep things light and simple. If you haven't been camping, go camping with your van completely empty. Bring a note pad and start writing down your ideas. It is impossible to know what you are going to want out in the woods when standing in your driveway. Experience is the best tool you have. Good luck!