Camping with a Microwave is Crazy Right?

Okay so let's be honest, if you are trying to bring your microwave out to the woods while you camp, maybe camping is not for you. Or is that just an "old" guy talking?

Picture below: My family cooked a boar that night on that open fire. Circa 1990s.
family camping with campfire

I'll be the first one to admit that I spent my whole life camping out of my van with no heat, no air conditioner, no electricity, and definitely no microwave. Those things are people who really want to stay in a hotel, right?

Picture below: My cousins cook the final piece of the boar that they had just hunted. Circa 1990s.

I've watched the progression of camping gear evolve over the decades. What used to not be easy to bring gear, is now... easy to bring! 30 years ago, people were sowing their own lightweight backpacks because of the lack of options conveniently on the market. Well fast forward to now and items like cooking stoves and yes, even mircowaves are something easy to bring along while van camping.

Growing up, you would of never caught me bringing a portable stove like Jet Boil. "I always cook on an open fire"... that I built.... because I am man! But if I were being honest, I didn't bring along a Jet Boil, because it didn't exist and if it did, I didn't know about it.

Picture below: This was our backpacking setup we used for years. We brought as little as possible to Lost Maples. Circa 2000.
lost maples backpacking with tent

Today portable camping gear is conveniently everywhere and easy to buy, so why not? With the advent of reliable power banks like Bluetti, Jackery, or  Ecoflow, why not bring a small efficient microwave?

Picture below: My current Bluetti that I use in my van.

I had already taken the portable electrical plunge years ago when I bought my first Bluetti to power my ICECO fridge. I was even reluctant to use it at first, and now it is a staple. It is so easy to bring along, why not?

Picture below: My current ICECO 12v Fridge that I use in my van.
camper van conversion diy kit van kitchen and bed

So my latest fun item to make it on the van camping gear list is, drumroll..... the Microwave! and just in the nick of time. We were out in the snow of Christmas and the morning was freezing. It was so cold over night that my water bottle was frozen solid. I made my coffee, and then I made a small breakfast sandwich. I had my new trusty Microwave with me. I powered it up for 30 seconds and BAM! I had a hot breakfast sandwich with melted cheese. At this moment, biting into steaming hot bread was needless to say, pretty awesome.

Picture below: Brian Head Mountain. Christmas 2025
mercedes sprinter camper van diy conversion

I watched the wattage on the Bluetti, and it used 1200 watts. I ran it for 30 seconds and it didn't even drop 1% in my 2400w unit.

Picture below: My current Microwave that I use in my van.
van camping with microwave

Call me soft all you want, I've roughed it for years, I am bringing my Microwave everywhere I go now.

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