Unveiling Boxio Wash Portable Sink | Ford Transit Connect Camper Conversion Kit
Last month I had a customer who brought in their Ford Transit Connect cargo van. They want to be able to do some solo camping in with their dog.
They need the basics: Bed, Shelving, Cooler and Sink.
I started out with the bed. I designed the bed platform up off of the van floor so they could store all of their cargo in totes or bins below the bed.

I added a nice table at one end of the bed. It will be a convenient place to put things to not get knocked over like a drink or plate of food.

I added a little shelf near the rear of the bed so the camper can place their flashlight or cellphone near them in a designated spot.
I designated a space for the 12v cooler.
I found a great space for those large fold out solar panels.
Then I designed some shelving for the wall.

I was planning on installing my TNTvans Sink System but it turned out to be impractical because it is a bit too large.
I turned to myboxio.com for a portable sink system. It is called a Boxio "Wash". It fits perfect inside of the shelving. The Wash is a small sink with self-contained 5 liter fresh and gray tanks. It comes with a hand water pump. The unit is compact, light and easy to use. Unboxing Video

The customer was elated when they picked up their van. Success!
written by - Hobie Smith